Lenten Adult Ed Book Club: How We Learn to Be Brave, by Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde

We will be studying Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde’s New York Times bestselling book, How We Learn to Be Brave. Please consider inviting a friend to take this class with you!  

In response to the powerful sermon by Bishop Budde, the Episcopal Bishop of Washington, at the National Cathedral prayer service on January 21, this book has skyrocketed in popularity. Order your copy of the book early, or listen to the audio version, which is read by Bishop Budde herself.

3 Thursday sessions on Zoom:

●     March 13, 7:30 pm

●     March 27, 7:30 pm

●     April 10, 7:30 pm

To register, please complete the form at church-of-our-saviour.org/bookclub.


March 26 "New Models of Episcopal Evangelism" zoom presentation


Gospel Concert at Our Saviour